Daily Current Affairs (1-Oct-2018)

Daily Current Affairs (1-Oct-2018)

1: First science studio for children opens in Karachi.

2: Iran fires missiles at Islamic State militants in Syria to retaliate for military parade attack.

3: On the floor of world’s body, United Nations (UN) Secretary-General Antonio Guterres brought to light the brutalities of Modi-led Indian government in occupied Kashmir.

4: US, Canada And Mexico Agree New Trilateral Trade Deal To Replace NAFTA.

5: Germany, Turkey, Russia and France will hold a meeting on the situation in Syria's war-torn Idlib province in October.

6: Pakistan’s inflation slows to 5.12%.

7: NASA turns 60 years old today (Oct. 1), and while the agency has been particularly focused on its past in anticipation of the big milestone, that's business as usual for a little-known office within NASA.

8: World Vegetarian Day: October 1 was first adopted as this day in 1977 by the North American Vegetarian Society as a way to promote the vegetarian lifestyle.

Admin Rizwan Ali Thaheem

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